Banner Pool Service & Supply has a staff of trained and experienced technicians to meet your every equipment need. We sell, repair, and install all brands of pool and spa equipment. From Hayward, Goldline, Pentair Sta-Rite, Jandy and Zodiac to Auto Pilot, Pool Pilot, Aqua Rite and Aqua Pure we service them all.
We offer expert repair and installations of all brands of pool and spa equipment including pumps, motors, filters, heaters, timers, automatic controllers, salt chlorinators, lights, plumbing, automatic pool cleaners and more.
Brands of Pool & Spa Equipment
Banner Pool Service can help you upgrade your pool equipment to make your pool more efficient, state of the art or simply make a single repair. Call us today to discuss the newest energy efficient pumps, filters, LED lights, solar, or propane heating, heat pumps, controllers and cleaners. You could save a great deal on your energy usage with the new energy solution products sold by Banner Pool Service.
Banner Pool Service has competitive pool heating pricing. We provide cash and carry discounts for the do it yourselfer, or we will fully install and program your heater. Banner Pool Service has a variety of heat pumps or propane heaters from manufactures like Aquacal, Tropical, Built-Right, Gulfstream, Hayward, Pentair and more.